, pivot_table()
, and melt()
(40 min)# Setup by loading the data set from the previous lecture
import pandas as pd
# If you have the dataset locally
# world_data = pd.read_csv('../data/world-data-gapminder.csv')
url = 'https://raw.githubusercontent.com/UofTCoders/2018-09-10-utoronto/gh-pages/data/world-data-gapminder.csv'
world_data = pd.read_csv(url)
When visualizing data it is important to explore different plotting options
and reflect on which one best conveys the information within the data.
In the following code cells,
a sample data set is loaded from the seaborn
data library
to illustrate advantages and disadvantages among categorical plot types.
This is the same data as was used in the first lecture
and it contains measurements of the sepals and petals among three species of iris flowers.
First let's set the seaborn
style to something different than last lecture,
and to subset the data to only include observations from 2018.
import seaborn as sns
sns.set(context='notebook', style='darkgrid', palette='muted', font_scale=1.3)
world_data_2018 = world_data.loc[world_data['year'] == 2018]
A common visualization when comparing a groups, is to create a barplot of the means of each group and plot them next to each other.
sns.barplot(x='region', y='income', data=world_data_2018)
This barplot shows the mean and the 95% confidence interval.
Since the seaborn
plotting functions returns a matplotlib
axes object,
these can be used with any matplotlib
Let's use this to our advantage to create a single figure
with a comparison between four types of distribution or estimate plots.
By creating a figure with subplots using subplots()
the seaborn
functions can plot directly into this grid,
instead of creating new figures.
The syntax is slightly different from doing this with native matplotlib
the axes to plot into needs to be specified with the ax
plt.scatter(x='income', y='population',
label='hey', data=world_data)
fig, ((ax1, ax2), (ax3, ax4)) = plt.subplots(2, 2, figsize=(12, 8),
sharex=True, sharey=True)
ax1.scatter(x='income', y='population',
label='hey', data=world_data)
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
fig, ((ax1, ax2), (ax3, ax4)) = plt.subplots(2, 2, figsize=(12, 8),
sharex=True, sharey=True)
fig.suptitle('Visualization comparison', y=1.02) # `y` is used to place the title a little bit higher up
sns.barplot(x='region', y='income', data=world_data_2018, ax=ax1)
sns.boxplot(x='region', y='income', data=world_data_2018, ax=ax2)
sns.violinplot(x='region', y='income', data=world_data_2018, ax=ax3, width=1.4)
sns.swarmplot(x='region', y='income', data=world_data_2018, ax=ax4)
# Remove the axis labels for region and income where it's not needed
# ax1.set_xlabel('')
# ax2.set_xlabel('')
# ax2.set_ylabel('')
# ax3.set_xlabel('')
# ax4.set_xlabel('')
# ax4.set_ylabel('')
Challenge 3¶
- How many data points and/or distribution statistics are displayed in each of these plots?
- Out of the these plots, which one do you think is the most informative and why? Which is the most true to the underlying data?
We will deepen the discussion around some of these ideas, in the context of the following plot:
Reproduced with permission from the poster "Beware of Dynamite" by Dr. Tatsuki Koyama
It is generally advisable to avoid "decorative" plot elements that do not convey extra information about the data, especially when such elements hide the real data. An early champion of this idea was Edward Tufte, who details how to reduce so called non-data ink and many other things in his book The visual display of quantitative information. In the bar chart above, the largest visual element are the rectangles, but their only contained information is where the rectangles end on the y-axis, the rest of it is unnecessary. Instead of using the rectangle's height, a simpler marker (circle, square, etc) could have been used to indicate the height on the y-axis. Note that the body of the rectangle is not representative for where the data lies, there are probably no data points close to 0, and several above the rectangle.
Barplots are especially misleading when used as data summaries, as in the example above. In this summary bar plot, only two distribution parameters are displayed (the mean and the standard deviation), instead of showing all the individual data points. This can be highly misleading, since diverse distributions can give rise to the same summary plot. We also have no idea of how many observations there are in each group. These shortcomings become evident when comparing the barplot to the underlying distributions that were used to create them:
Reproduced with permission from the poster "Beware of Dynamite" by Dr. Tatsuki Koyama
Immediately, you can see that many conclusions drawn from the barplot, such that A and B have the same outcome, are factually incorrect. The distribution in D is bimodal, so representing it with a mean would be like observing black and white birds and conclude that the average bird color is grey, it's nonsensical. If we would have planned our follow up experiments based on the barplot alone, we would have been setting ourselves up for failure! Always be sceptical when you see a summary barplot in a published paper, and think of how the underlying distribution might look. Note that barplots are more acceptable when used to represents counts, proportion or percentages, where there is only one data point per group in the data set and it is meaningful to start the y-axis from the value zero.
Boxplots and violin plots are more insightful data summaries as they represent more than just two distribution parameters (such as mean +/- sd). However, these can still be misleading in their own ways so if the data set is small enough, it is often the recommended to show each individual observation as individual points. This could be combined with a superimposed summary plot or a marker for the mean or median if this additional information is useful. One exception, when it is not advisable to show all data points, is when the data set is large and plotting each individual observation would saturate the chart. In that case, plot summary statistics or a 2D histogram (more on this later).
Here is an example of how a violinplot can be combined with the individual observations.
# This is just for the figure size
fig, ax = plt.subplots(figsize=(10, 6))
sns.violinplot(x='region', y='income', data=world_data_2018,
color='white', inner=None, ax=ax, width=1.4)
sns.swarmplot(x='region', y='income', data=world_data_2018, ax=ax)
ax.set_ylabel('Sepal Length')
Plotting elements have a default order in which they appear.
This can be changed by explicitly via the zorder
fig, ax = plt.subplots(figsize=(10, 6))
sns.violinplot(x='region', y='income', data=world_data_2018,
color='white', inner=None, ax=ax, width=1.4)
sns.swarmplot(x='region', y='income', data=world_data_2018,
ax=ax, zorder=0)
ax.set_ylabel('Sepal Length')
This is not very helpful in this particular case,
but it is good to be aware of the zorder
parameter if the need arises to combine plots.
Challenge 4¶
- Combine a
with aboxplot()
. Set thejitter
parameter to distribute the dots, so that they are not all on one line.
Nearly 10% of the population is colour vision deficient; red-green colour blindness in particular affects 8% of men and 0.5% of women. Guidelines for making your visualizations more accessible to those with reduced color vision, will in many cases also improve the interpretability of your graphs for people who have standard color vision. Here are a couple of examples:
Don't use rainbow colormaps such as "jet".
Color vision deficient viewers will have a understanding this heat map since some of the colours blend together.
The jet colormap should be avoided for other reasons, including that the sharp transitions between colors introduces visual threshold that do not represent the underlying continuous data. Another issue is luminance (brightness). For example, your eye is drawn to the yellow and cyan regions, because the luminance is higher. This can have the unfortunate effect of highlighting features in your data that don't exist, misleading your viewers! Since higher values are not always lighter, this means that your graph is not going to translate well to greyscale.
More details about jet can be found in this blog post and this series of posts. In general, when presenting continuous data, a perceptually uniform colormap is often the most suitable choice. This type of colormap ensures that equal steps in data are perceived as equal steps in color space. The human brain perceives changes in lightness to represent changes in the data more accurately than changes in hue. Therefore, colormaps with monotonically increasing lightness throughout the colormap will be better interpreted by the viewer. More details and examples of such colormaps are available in the matplotlib documentation, and many of the core design principles are outlined in this entertaining talk.
The default colormap in matplotlib is viridis
which to have monotonically increasing lightness throughout.
There is also cividis
which is designed to look the same for common color vision deficiencies
as for people without colorblindness.
In addition to careful color choices,
visualization clarity can be improves by using different symbols for the groupings.
# To see all available palettes,
# set `paletter=''` and view the error message
sns.relplot(x='income', y='pop_density', hue='region', style='region',
data=world_data_2018, palette='colorblind')
Challenge 5 (optional)¶
- Take one of the figures you created previously and upload it to this website to view it in a color vision deficiency simulator.
Summary plots (especially bar plots) were previously mentioned to potentially be misleading, and it is often most appropriate to show every individual observation with a dot plot or the like, perhaps combined with summary markers where appropriate. But, what if the data set is too big to visualize every single observation? In large data sets, it is often the case that plotting each individual observation would oversaturate the chart. Let's see an example of this with a data set containing characteristics of diamonds.
diamonds = pd.read_csv(
fig, ax = plt.subplots()
ax.scatter('carat', 'price', data=diamonds)
Because this is a dataset with 33,288 observations, visualizing it in two dimensions creates a graph that is incredibly oversaturated. Oversaturated graphs make it far more difficult to glean information from the visualization. Maybe adjusting the size of each observation could help?
fig, ax = plt.subplots()
ax.scatter('carat', 'price', data=diamonds, s=1)
That's a bit better. Reducing the transparency might help further.
fig, ax = plt.subplots()
ax.scatter('carat', 'price', data=diamonds, s=1, alpha=0.1)
This is clearer than initially,
but does still not reveal the full structure of the underlying data.
A more suitable plot type for this data,
is a so called hexbin
which essentially is a two dimensional histogram,
where the color of each hexagonal bin
represents the amount of observations in that bin
(analogous to the height in a one dimensional histogram).
fig, ax = plt.subplots()
ax.hexbin('carat', 'price', data=diamonds)
This looks ugly because the bins with zero observations are still colored. This can be avoided by setting the minimum count of observations to color a bin.
fig, ax = plt.subplots()
ax.hexbin('carat', 'price', data=diamonds, mincnt=1)
To know what the different colors represent, a colorbar needs to be added to this plot. The space for the colorbar will be taken from a plot in the current figure.
fig, ax = plt.subplots()
# Assign to a variable to reuse with the colorbar
hex_plot = ax.hexbin('carat', 'price', data=diamonds, mincnt=1)
# Create the colorbar from the hexbin plot axis
cax = fig.colorbar(hex_plot)
Notice that the overall figure is the same size, and the axes that contains the hexbin plot shrank to make room for the colorbar. To remind ourselves what is plotted, axis labels can be added.
fig, ax = plt.subplots()
hex_plot = ax.hexbin('carat', 'price', data=diamonds, mincnt=1, gridsize=50)
cax = fig.colorbar(hex_plot)
ax.set_title('Diamond prices')
cax.set_label('Number of observations')
It is now clear that the yellow area represents over 2000 observations!
diamonds_subset = diamonds.loc[(diamonds['carat'] < 1.3) & (diamonds['price'] < 2500)]
fig, ax = plt.subplots()
hexbin = ax.hexbin('carat', 'price', data=diamonds_subset, mincnt=1)
cax = fig.colorbar(hexbin)
cax.set_label('Observation density')
ax.set_title('Diamond prices')
Although this hexbin plot is a great way of visualizing the distributions, it could be valuable to compare it to the histograms for each the plotted variable.
fig, (ax1, ax2) = plt.subplots(1, 2, figsize=(10, 4))
fig.suptitle('Distribution plots', y=1.05)
ax1.hist('carat', bins=30, data=diamonds)
ax1.set_title('Diamond weight')
ax2.hist('price', bins=30, data=diamonds)
ax2.set_title('Diamond price')
Since visualizing two individual 1D distribution together
with their joint 2D distribution is a common operation,
has a built-in function
to create a hexbin plot with histograms on the marginal axes.
sns.jointplot(x='carat', y='price', data=diamonds, kind='hex')
This can be customized to appear more like the previous hexbin plots.
Since joinplot()
deals with both the hexbin and the histogram,
the parameter names must be separated,
so that it is clear which plot they are referring to.
This is done by passing them as dictionaries to the joint_kws
and marginal_kws
("kws" stands for "keywords").
sns.jointplot(x='carat', y='price', data=diamonds, kind='hex',
joint_kws={'cmap': 'viridis', 'mincnt': 1},
marginal_kws={'color': 'indigo'})
A KDE/density plot can be made instead of the hexbin.
sns.jointplot(x='carat', y='price', data=diamonds, kind='kde',
joint_kws={'cmap': 'viridis', 'mincnt': 1},
marginal_kws={'color': 'indigo'})
Data is often presented in a so-called wide format, e.g. with one column per measurement:
person | weight | height | age |
A | 70 | 170 | 32 |
B | 85 | 179 | 28 |
This can be a great way to display data,
so that it is easily interpretable by humans
and it is thus often used for summary statistics
(commonly referred to as pivot tables).
many data analysis functions in pandas
, seaborn
, and other packages
are optimized to work with the tidy data format.
Tidy data was described briefly in the first lecture.
As a reminder,
it is a long data format
where each row is a single observation
and each column contains a single variable.
Reshaping the table above into a tidy format
would look like this:
person | measure | value |
A | weight | 70 |
A | height | 170 |
A | age | 32 |
B | weight | 85 |
B | height | 179 |
B | age | 28 |
provides a wide range of manipulations of dataframe structure,
including alternating between the long and wide formats.
To facilitate the visualization of these operations,
it is beneficial to create a subset of the data.
world_data_2014 = world_data.loc[world_data['year'].isin(['2014'])]
and pivot_table()
¶Let's look at the average CO2 emissions across regions and income_group.
world_data_2014_co2avg = (
The data we created is a long or tidy format. A long to wide transformation would be suitable to effectively visualize the average co2 emission of the countries based on their region and income.
# TODO missing code cell?
To remove the repeating information for region
and income_group
this table can be pivoted into a wide format
using the pivot()
The arguments passed to pivot()
includes the index,
the columns,
and which values should populate the table.
world_data_2014_pvt = world_data_2014_co2avg.pivot(
index='region', columns='income_group', values='co2_per_capita')
Compare how this table is displayed with the table in the previous cell.
Since presenting summary statistics in a wide format is such a common operation,
has a dedicated method,
that performs both the data aggregation and pivoting.
index='region', columns='income_group',
values='co2_per_capita', margins=True
With pivot_table()
it is also possible to change the aggregation function.
index='region', columns='income_group',
values='co2_per_capita', margins=True, aggfunc='median'
Although pivot_table()
is the most convenient way to aggregate and pivot data,
is still useful to reshape a dataframe from wide to long
without aggregating.
The columns and rows can be swapped in the call to pivot_table()
This is useful both to present the table differently
and to perform computations on a different axis of the dataframe
(this result can also be obtained by calling the transpose()
world_data_2014.pivot_table(index='income_group', columns='region', values='co2_per_capita')
¶It is also a common operation to reshape data from the wide to the long format,
e.g. when getting the data into the most suitable format for analysis.
For this transformation,
the melt()
method can be used to sweep up a set of columns into one key-value pair.
To prepare the dataframe,
the plot_type
index name can be moved to a column name with the reset_index()
world_data_2014_res = world_data_2014_pvt.reset_index()
At a minimum,
requires the name of the column that should be kept intact.
All remaining columns will have their values in the value
and their name in the variable
our columns already has the name "income_group",
so this will be used automatically instead of "variable").
To be more explicit,
all the arguments to melt()
can be specified.
This way it is also possible to exclude some columns by omission,
e.g. the income group 'Lower middle'.
world_data_2014_res.melt(id_vars='region', value_vars=['High', 'Low', 'Upper middle'],
var_name='income_group', value_name='co2_per_capita')
Challenge 1¶
- Subset the data to contain only the year 1950 and the region Southern Europe.
- Reset the index of this dataframe and assign it to a new variable name
- Create a tidy dataframe with country as the id column, and the columns
as values in the variable column.
# Challenge solution
# 1.
world_data_1950_se = world_data.loc[world_data['year'].isin(['1950']) & world_data['sub_region'].isin(['Southern Europe'])]
# 2.
world_data_1950_se_res = world_data_1950_se.reset_index()
# 3.
world_data_1950_tidy = world_data_1950_se_res[['country','pop_density','CO2_per_capita']].melt(id_vars='country')
# if we wanted to drop the NaN values in the previous format we had to index a 2D dataframe
# but in a tidy data format it's easier to drop the NaN values:
has many helpful methods for cleaning data,
an overview can be found in the documentation.
We will explore the most commonly used methods.
let's load a sample dataframe with some dirty raw data that needs cleaning.
url = 'https://raw.githubusercontent.com/UofTCoders/2018-09-10-utoronto/gh-pages/data/raw_dirty_data.csv'
raw_data = pd.read_csv(url)
clean_df = raw_data.copy() # To ensure the original df is not modified
A robust option for dealing with rows containing missing values,
is to remove them altogether,
which can be done with the dropna()
By default all columns are considered.
if the purpose is to study the population changes over time,
it is not desirable to drop rows with valid population values
just because they are missing a co2 measurement.
can therefore be instructed to only consider specific columns.
A common alternative to removing rows containing NA
is to fill out the values with e.g.
the mean of all observations or the previous non-NA value.
This can be done with the fillna()
# Fill missing values with mean value for that column
In this case, it would have been better to calculate and fill with a separate mean value for each country. Another way of filling values is to copy the previous or next value. This is especially relevant in time series where the values are ordered chronologically.
# Fill with previews non-null value
An often more suitable approach for time series, is to interpolate the missing values from nearby values. The default interpolation method is to linearly estimate the values, but there are many more options, such as giving various weight to values depending on how close they are to the missing value.
Whether to use dropna()
, fillna()
, or interpolate()
depends on the data set and the purpose of the analysis.
Dataframes have plenty of built-in string methods
and many of these are helpful
when handling typos and text formatting.
For example,
we can format the income_group
column to consistency use lower case characters.
The space in some values can be replaced with an underscore.
clean_df['income_group'].str.lower().str.replace(' ', '-')
The returned series can be assigned to a column in the dataframe.
clean_df['income_group'] = clean_df['income_group'].str.lower().str.replace(' ', '-')
Note that the NA values are still around because the original dataframe was never overwritten with a modified one without NA values.
To find spelling mistakes the unique()
method is useful.
The replace()
method can be used here again,
this time replacing several spelling mistakes simultaneously.
.str.replace('samoa|Samia', 'Samoa')
.str.replace('Tonnga', 'Tonga')
The |
bar means or
similar to how we saw it used previously with loc[]
Using a |
in a string works
because the str.replace()
method supports "regular expressions".
This is a powerful way of using strings as search operators,
such as with |
rather than interpreting them literally.
A more intricate regular expression
can replace everything starting with S
or s
with Samoa
and every word starting with T
with Tongo
.str.replace('[S,s].*', 'Samoa') # .* means "any sequence of characters
.str.replace('T.*', 'Tonga')
Entire books have been written on regular expressions
and covering them fully here is outside the scope of this tutorial.
it is useful to know about |
(and to a lesser extent []
and .*
when replacing misspelled words.
Another common data cleaning operation
is to split one column into two
to have one measurement per column.
This can be done via str.split()
The returned object is a series where each row is a list of two values.
This cannot be assigned to two columns in the dataframe,
since only a single series is returned.
To get around this,
we can append str
to the expression,
which now returns two series,
so that we can assign the first item of each list to the first specified column
and the second item to the second specified column.
# TODO check if they above is accurate
clean_df['region'], clean_df['sub_region'] = clean_df['region'].str.split('.').str
# To get only one of the list items, use indexing
# clean_df['region'], clean_df['sub_region'] = clean_df['region'].str.split('.').str[0]
To get rid of certain rows or columns,
the drop()
method can be used.
clean_df.drop(index=[1, 4, 5], columns=['region', 'year', 'country'])
- Create a new dataframe called
from theworld_data
data that contains only thecountry
columns and no NA values.- Create a new column in
containing the total co2 emissions of the country using the values inco2_per_capita
and thepopulation
column.- Retrieve all observations that have a
value greater than 10,000,000.