Shiny is an R package to make interactive web applications for exploring your data.
For this lesson, please install shiny
, tidyverse
, gapminder
install.packages(c("shiny", "tidyverse", "gapminder", "shinydashboard"))
You should be able to open the provided app.R
in RStudio and tell it to start
the application using the “Run App” button. See the video stream for a
graphical explanation of this procedure.
You may also run the application from the command-line:
# Use the path to the directory containing app.R (do not include app.R below):
$ R -e "shiny::runApp('/path/to/app.R')"
Our Shiny app will have a layout that will look approximately like this:
There will be three different “views” with different plots and options to change how they look: